Swertres Hearing Today March 23, 2025

PCSO Swertres Hearing Maintain Today 3d lotto hearing

Sunday, March 23, 2025 – Here are the PCSO Swertres Hearing today, Swertres Hearing Online, 3D Hearing, Pinoy Swertres Hearing Tips Probable, Swer3 Hearing Calendar Guide, Swertres Pasakay Pairing, and analysis.

Welcome to the No.1 3D Swertres Hearing Website in the Philippines!

Swertres Hearing is one of the most popular topics discussed by Filipinos today. 3D Lotto – Swertres Lotto draw is held daily at 2:00 pm, 5:00 pm, and 9:00 pm by the Philippine Charity Sweepstakes Office (PCSO).

Typically, PCSO Lotto Hearing contains the Combination Digits and Pairings along with Pasakay Guides. These will help our users make their Lotto Winning Strategy almost 90% accurate.

PCSO Official Lotto Result Today March 23, 2025

PCSO has announced the SWERTRES and other lottery results for today. Here at PinoySwertres.com, we ensure that all the updated Results are accurate. However, we still encourage our Pinoy Swertres followers to verify the winning numbers by visiting PCSO’s official website.

2D LOTTO RESULT Today – Here are the 2D Lotto Results today announced by the Philippine Charity Sweepstakes Office (PCSO). The PCSO EZ2 lotto results are refreshed daily at 2:00 pm, 5:00 pm, and 9:00 pm.

EZ2 / 2D Lotto Result

2 PM: 31-10
5 PM: 20-11
9 PM: 17-13
Winning numbers in exact order
Php 4,000.00 per 10 peso play

3D SWERTRES RESULT Today – Here are the 3D Swertres Results today announced by the Philippine Charity Sweepstakes Office (PCSO). Results of PCSO Swertres lotto refreshed every day at 2:00 pm, 5:00 pm, and 9:00 pm.

‎3D Swertres Results

2 PM: 2-2-0
5 PM: 1-7-5
9 PM: 2-1-3
Winning numbers in exact order
Php 4,500.00 per 10 peso play

6/49 LOTTO RESULTS Today – Here is the Super Lotto 6/49 Result today announced by the Philippine Charity Sweepstakes Office (PCSO). 6/49 Lotto results are released every Tuesday, Thursday, and Sunday at 9 pm.

Super 6/49 Lotto Result

9 PM: 37-11-23-35-36-06
Jackpot: Php 40,851,208.80
Winning numbers in any order

6/58 LOTTO RESULT Today – Here is the Ultra Lotto 6/58 Result today announced by the Philippine Charity Sweepstakes Office (PCSO). 6/58 Lotto results are released every Tuesday, Friday, and Sunday at 9 pm.

Ultra 6/58 Lotto Result

9 PM: 51-45-40-33-08-27
Jackpot: Php 180,269,620.40
Winning numbers in any order

Be sure to confirm the accuracy of your numbers on the PCSO website. PinoSwertres.com is not liable for any inaccuracies that may lead to financial losses or failure to claim winnings.

STL Lotto Result Today March 23, 2025

STL Pares Result

Morning 10:30 am – Afternoon 5 pm – Evening 7 pm Winning numbers in exact order

STL Swer3 Result

Morning 10:30m – Afternoon 5 pm – Evening 7 pm Winning numbers in exact order

STL Swer2 Result

Morning 10:30m – Afternoon 5 pm – Evening 7 pm Winning numbers in exact order

PCSO broadcasts its lottery draw through PTV and its official YouTube channel.

The PCSO Lotto results updated above are 2D EZ2 Lotto, 3D Swertres Lotto, 4D PCSO Lotto Results, Mega 6/45 PCSO Results, and Grand 6/55 Lotto. Small Town Lottery (STL) STL Pares, STL Swer3, and STL 2-Digits(Swer2). All the results are updated at 2:00 AM, 5:00 PM, and 9:00 PM.

Pinoy Swertres Hearing Tips and Techniques were published here daily before the Philippine Charity Sweepstakes Office or PCSO Swertres Results were announced. So, to get an idea about Today’s drawing, follow the daily hearing tips and Visit our Website occasionally to check the latest 2:00 pm 5:00 pm 9:00 pm swertres hearing.

Swertres Hearing Today Now

No one can predict the winning numbers for Swertres or any other PCSO lotto game results. However, some Swertres analyzers compile previous Swertres results and make analyses based on their gathered data. These analyses are called ‘probable’, ‘hearing’, or ‘guides’. PS.Team sharing Swertres Hearing since 2014. For more updates join us on Facebook

Swertres hearing today

Swertres Hearing Latest Maintain and Probables Today

Most social media fans ask us what the best Swertres Hearing is for today or what the Best Swertres Guide is for today. We are PS.team here to help you win the Swertres Lotto. Below is our Swertres Pairing guide, Pasakay guide, Swertres Hot and Cold numbers, Swertres daily hearing, and Swertres monthly hearing. Here are Swertres hearings for today 11:00 am 4:00 pm 9:00 pm draws:

Swertres Pasakay Guide Today

One or Two of these pasakay guides will be drawn today!

Guide 1: (06)
Guide 2: (41)
Guide 3: (79)
Master – Rex31 : (39)
Master – Jendyl : (27)
Master – Jishan : (045)

Swertres Pairing Guide Today

Pairing Guide is one of the most effective guides to winning the Swertres lotto game. These PAIRINGS are good for 2:00 am 5:00 pm 9:00 pm draws today.

March 23, 2025 –
( 00, 02, 40, 42 ) 99.99% Probability

Swertres Hot & Cold Numbers

Swertres Lotto Hot Numbers and Cold Numbers can be done straightforwardly, if you have access to Swertres results history, you can do basic analysis on your own to pinpoint the hot and cold numbers.

Swertres Hot Numbers – 0 1 5 9
Swertres Cold Numbers – 2 4 7 9

Swertres Hearing for Tomorrow

Our P.S. team uses Hot numbers and Some secret analyses to generate lucky numbers for you. Here is the Swertres hearing for today 2:00 am 5:00 pm 9:00 pm draws:

Best CEBU Swertres Hearing For Today!

Today Hot Swertres and Swer3 combination =

0_4 ALL – 024
0_5 ALL – 035
4_5 ALL – 415

3D Swertres Monthly Hearing!

714 – 453 – 597 – 739 – 098
138 – 427 – 244 – 972 – 336
246 – 761 – 798 – 271 – 956

BABALA: Do not copy/screenshot our hearing to post in your Lotto outlet, Facebook timeline, pages, and groups without our permission. Under Philippine cyber copyright law, copyright infringement is punishable. If we catch you with any Copyright Violation, the penalty would be P150,000 to P1,000,000.00 or 3 months to 6 years in prison.


Swertres Result History is Here on this page, You can access the Record of All Previous Swertres Result History.

The SWERTRES HEARING TODAY updated above are based on Previous results, Calendar guides, Pairing, and Psakay, which are called Mix Methodologies. Those methods are extremely valuable to winning SWERTRES / 3D Lotto. Paskey Guides are the most important to winning Swertres/3D Lotto. Without these guides, you do not get the best results.

Get the Latest Swertres Hearing Today and the other PCSO Lotto & their results are also published here from the Official Source.

Disclaimer: These are not the confirmed digits and there is no guarantee that these numbers, pairs, and combinations are confirmed. These are the suggestions, tips, and calculations our experts and PCSO professionals share. However, you can get an idea from these digits.

Note: Always Bet at your own risk however we posted here some hearings. Best of Luck and Have a Good Day.

This post is all about PCSO Swertres Hearing for Tomorrow, Swertres Hearing Today for 2:00 pm 5:00 pm, and 9:00 pm Draws. PCSO Swertres Hearing Tips Probables, Swertres Hearing Maintain Today Now, and much more!

Follow our Google News Channel to get the latest PCSO lotto results and Swertres hearing daily!

172 thoughts on “Swertres Hearing Today March 23, 2025”

  1. gd morning admin share
    2pm 719 019 219
    239 739 039
    279 079 749
    249 209 724
    024 074 714

  2. Thank you Lord!!!

    My bet
    279,225,(202)pssst bbalik pa ito
    Gl to me!!!

    Thanks admin!!!

  3. Taya oi puro slide
    5pm 9pm draw
    Target online
    Ang mo fanz ka Latec mga amaw
    Ngano gi fans ninyo nang Tikal ray nagdako may pa bolinao sexy pay nahibaw an jejeje

  4. naay Isa diri mora nag naunsa,wapa gani mo sikat feeling sikat na hihihi,,,

    pakita mo muna galing mo tukmol bago ka tumira sa iba hahaha,,,,looya ba nimo hihihi..joke

  5. bc mode sana mka habol pisoy hehe…
    5pm.draw share…
    Pasure:(((5/9)))*>get 1/2…
    Hot pairs:(((_45;9_5*)))
    Hot combi’s:(((Tc#20vs.Mca*)))
    Extra rice:
    015 145 265*
    389 785 947*
    327 347 349*
    215 045 345*
    189 264 360*
    Gl 2me,”tsambahe”sana all…


  7. Pakit on ka Nako unsaon pag on the spot sugod ugma
    Mentina sani
    Til March 25
    Tikal Rana imo pandamay Rana mga combis nimo adiser moguwa pan os na

  8. Congrats winners 5pm.draw,sliding
    door deretso ganun pa rin pisoy
    9pm.draw:change flavor…
    Extra rice:
    389 479 659*
    312 324 654*
    801 752 349*
    054 251 354*
    819 246 306*
    Gl 2me,”tsambahe”sana all…

  9. Kinsay makig pusta ninyo diha?

    Tag an tag an ta ninyo?

    Kung dili ni karon ugma ni mugawas !


    Sugal akong asawa nga pangit pa sa nagbasa karon ,kinsay gusto diha?

  10. cut off na sa patdanan nako sa pinas boss rasec 8:25 ra taman didto ugma kana ako patdan pag dili pana mo gawas karon sayang og mogawas pud lahi man ang ako napatdan..

  11. @Nald

    unsay mintina 550-506 ? bisan Pag Taman sa 26 di na mogawas hahaha,,,,lood ba ani imong numeroha hihihi

    pa lahi2 pakag account para dika ma buking?


    Unsay pagtoo ninyo nko kuwanggol nga di kalahata ninyo hahaha,,, Gok

  12. post mo ugma puhon,,

    BAT-BLACK-NALD og tag Isa ka numero kada Isa sa ninyo ALLDRAWS Bet vs 1-combi by @®∆$€© tan-awon nko mogawas ba na inyong numero hahaha,,,,

    Partida naa koy (( 6 )) ugma,,,ayaw mog awat2 sa akong SEXY ha! paglahi mog Inyo hihihi,,,tikalon man Kaha ko kamo pud mga tukmol hihihi,,,joke

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